Being a single mom can be challenging juggling time and finances. If your urge to go back to school is overwhelming but the finances are short, there are several grants that can aid going back to school. There are numerous other grants by private funders in addition to the federal grants
Federal grants
The federal government is the biggest provider of education assistance. The first thing to do is file a Federal Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This helps the federal government assess your financial situation and opens the door to many federal grants programs. some of the federal grants offered include:
Pell grant
This is a grant available to any US student. This grant has few qualifying requirements with the main considerations being: expected family contribution, total tuition costs, enrollment period and status part-time or full-time.
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant
This grant is for students facing extreme financial difficulties. Single parents struggling to meet their college expenses qualify easily for this grant. However, it is done on a first come first serve basis which means it exhausts very early.
National SMART grants
The Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Access (SMART) grant gives support to students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics courses who show merit. It is targeted to third and fourth-year students.
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) grants
TEACH grants are available for university students who commit to teach for four years, after graduation, at a high school where there is a shortage of teachers. This is in low-income areas.
State grants
Different states provide student grants on top of federal grants to deserving students. Examples of these grants include:
New York State Tuition Assistance Program
This grant gives aid to deserving students who are attending tertiary education institutions in the state of New York.
Kansas competitive grants
These are financial needs based grants by the state of Kansas to resident students attending private or public universities in the state.
Illinois college of Dupage
Single parents attending this college in Illinois can get annual aid under this grant. For a student to qualify, she has to maintain a GPA of at least 2.0 and be a resident of Dupage County.
Mary Jane Young Scholarships
This is a program by the Minnesota state university for single mothers studying full time in the state. There is also the Coplan Donahue scholarship program for single mothers studying at the graduate level.
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